Latest Roofing Sheets Prices in Nigeria 2021.

For buildings to be sheltered and look complete, they need roofing sheets. Therefore, roofing sheets are one of the most essenstials in any building project.

Nowadays, roofing sheets serve two purposes: the primary purpose and the secondary purpose. For the primary purpose, it is used essentially as a form of covering for any building project. Its primary purpose is to shelter a building project, providing the roofing for the building at the top. The comfort of a building, in terms of shelter depends on the quality of the roofing sheet.

Moving on to the secondary purpose, a roofing sheet serves secondarily as a foundational aesthetic for any building project or architectural structure. The exterior aesthetics of any building depends on the type or design of the roofing sheet selected. So, if you’re working on any building project or architectural project, it is always essential for you to pick the best roofing sheets that is durable and timeless.

As roofing sheets are essential materials for building a d architectural purposes, quality and timelessness have always been major factors affecting the price of roofing sheets in Nigeria. Top manufacturers use elements like Zinc and Aluminum to manufacture different types of roofing sheets. Aluminium, Wintech, Long Span, and others are the most popular ones. As they’ve (roofing sheets) become one of the most expensive and high on demand building materials, there are now many brands out there to choose from. Although, brands are quite different from each other.

Types and Prices of Roofing Sheets in Nigeria.

While there are many brands of roofing sheets available in the Nigerian markets today, they should be carefully selected according to the building structure and the taste of the contractor. Roofing sheets vary in designs, quality, sizes, and prices. Apart from covering and shelter, they also bring about exterior beauty. 

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We’ll take w look at the various types of roofing sheets and their prices in Nigeria.

Stone-Coated Roofing Sheets: Types and Prices in Nigeria.

The stone-coated roofing sheet is also known as fhe the roofing sheet of the city. This because of its classiness, beauty, durability, lightweight, and expensiveness. Cities like Lagos, Abuja, Port-Harcourt, and Abeokuta are few of the major cities in Nigeria where stone-coated roofing sheets are common.

Stone-Coated roofing sheets are made our of coated  chips merges in acrylic film. To ensure classic quality, the manufacturers or the stone-coated roofs ensures that it possesses the strength, quality and finesse to timelessness. 

One advantage about stone-coated roofs is that they do not rust; they last for a long time and so not show any signs of rusting.

Because of its quality and and classiness, stone-coated roofing sheets are regarded by many building contractors as the most expensive in Nigeria. Some of the advantages of using stone-coated roofing sheets are highlighted below:

  • They are long lasting and beautiful: Yes, they are the most expensive because they serve as the primary source of exterior aesthetics. They are also the most preferred because if their quality and ability to last long.
  • They are soundproof: When your building is sheltered by a Stone-Coated roof, you hardly hear a sound when something falls on the roof, especially when it is raining. They are noise absorbers.
  • They are lightweight and resistant to fire and heat: The manufacturers have made it so quality that they’ve made it lightweight band resistant to fire and heat.
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Prices of Stone-coated roofing sheets in Nigeria.

This is the most preferred roofing sheets in Nigeria. It is also one of the most expensive because if its beauty and finesse. Here is an estimate of prices of stone-coated roofing sheets below:

Milano design 0.55mm thick ₦3,400 per square meter
Classic design  0.55mm thick ₦3,400 per square meter
Bond design 0.55mm thick ₦3,300 per square meter
Shingles design 0.55mm thick ₦3,400 per square meter
Wooden Shakes design 0.55mm thick ₦3,400 per square meter
Roman design 0.55mm thick ₦3,400 per square meter

It is a great choice to use this roofing sheet for your building project.

Aluminum Roofing Sheets: Types and Prices in Nigeria.

Aluminum roofing sheets are one of the pioneer types of roofing sheet used in modern Nigeria. In fact, before people began using the stone-coated roofing sheets, the Aluminum had gained the building contractors’ choice and it is still one of the best selling roofing sheets in Nigeria. Because the stone-coated roofing sheets has now become more preferable, that doesn’t mean that they are not also good. They are also durable and of high quality. The only factor that makes ot different from the stone-coated roof is that it is cheaper, it tends to rust over a period of decades, and they are quite noisy during rainy seasons. Apart from that, they serve the best functions of a roofing sheet.

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Prices of Aluminium Roofing Sheets in Nigeria.

Long Span Aluminium Costs ₦2,100 per meter
Step-tile Aluminium Costs ₦2,400 per meter
MetCoppo Aluminum Costs ₦2,500 per meter

Fibre Britment Roofing Sheets: Types and Prices in Nigeria.

This type of roofing sheet is known for its quality and durability. At some point it was the most on demand roofing sheet in the market; it ruled the market. Although, it still maintains its quality, it has been outshined by the stone-coated roof in most building projects. However, it is a second choice and the best alternative for stone-coated roofs and Aluminum roofs.

Prices of Fibre Britment Roofing Sheets in Nigeria.

Fibre Britment Roofing Sheets Costs ₦3,500
Fibre Britment Step-tile Costs ₦4,900

Swiss Roofing Sheets: Types and Prices in Nigeria.

If you want classiness featured with aesthetics and durability, then the Swiss Roofing Sheets are the ones for you. In fact, the stone-coated which is usually over-hyped as the most expensive is not as expensive as the Swiss Roofing Sheets. This is largely due to how expensive they are. You won’t get a standard Swiss roofing sheet for less than ₦5,000 per square meter.


Now we’ve come to the end of the prices of roofing sheets in Nigeria. As you can see that they are an essential part of any architectural construction, they are high on demand in the market, you can also check out the latest prices of plywoods and the prices of iron rods in the market. 




Artful is a budding lifestyle journalist, content writer, who loves to make research and provide the best stories for human consumption. He is addicted to milk, ice cream, travels, adventure, and discovering a new culture.

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