How to Register a Business Name in Nigeria

Registering a business name is an essential step for entrepreneurs looking to establish their presence in Nigeria’s thriving business landscape. A registered business name provides legal protection, builds credibility, and facilitates smooth operations. In this article, we will walk you through the process of registering a business name in Nigeria, ensuring that you have the necessary knowledge and tools to navigate the registration successfully.

Step 1: Conduct a Business Name Search
Before registering your business name, it is crucial to conduct a thorough search to ensure that your preferred name is available and does not infringe on any existing trademarks. You can perform this search at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) website ( or visit a nearby CAC office to inquire about the availability of your chosen name.

Step 2: Prepare the Required Documents
To register your business name, you will need to gather the following documents:

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Completed Application Form: Obtain the CAC Form 001, which is the application form for the registration of a business name. You can access this form either online or at any CAC office.

Two Passport-sized Photographs: Provide two recent passport-sized photographs of the proprietor(s) of the business.

Means of Identification: Present a valid means of identification for the proprietor(s) such as a National ID card, International Passport, or Driver’s License.

Memorandum and Articles of Association: Prepare two copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association (MEMART) containing the proposed business objectives, ownership structure, and internal regulations of the business.

Evidence of Payment: Obtain the payment receipt for the registration fee from any designated bank or online payment platform.

Step 3: Complete the Registration Process
Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, follow these steps to register your business name:

Visit the CAC Office: Proceed to the nearest CAC office with the completed application form and all the required documents.

Business Name Reservation: Submit the completed form to the CAC office, and they will conduct a name availability search. If your chosen name is available, they will reserve it for you for 60 days.

Payment: Pay the prescribed registration fee at the designated bank or online payment platform specified by the CAC.

Submit Documents: Return to the CAC office and submit the completed form along with the necessary supporting documents.

Certificate Collection: After successful review and verification, you will receive your Certificate of Registration. This document serves as proof that your business name has been registered and is now legally recognized.

Important Tips and Considerations:

Business Structure: While registering a business name is suitable for sole proprietors and partnerships, other business structures, such as limited liability companies, require different registration processes.

Professional Assistance: If you are unfamiliar with the registration process or need guidance, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer, chartered accountant, or business registration professional.

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Renewal: Ensure that you renew your business name registration with the CAC every year to maintain its validity.

Trademark Protection: Registering a business name with the CAC does not automatically confer trademark protection. To safeguard your brand, consider applying for a trademark separately.

Registering a business name in Nigeria is a crucial step towards establishing your presence in the business world. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the process with confidence and ensure that your business operates within the bounds of the law. Remember to conduct thorough research, gather all the required documents, and seek professional assistance if needed. With your business name registered, you can embark on your entrepreneurial journey and unlock numerous opportunities in Nigeria’s dynamic business environment.



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